The Constructive Power of Nature

About Us

With four generations of experience, we process carefully selected valuable and certified logs from certain regions of the world in our integrated facility in Düzce equipped with high technology.
Under the supervision of our Forest Industry Engineers, we produce quality products that meet the demands of domestic and foreign markets.
Together with our trained and competent customer consultants, we deliver these products to consumers in many countries around the world.

Wood Laminated

Wood Laminated

Wood is one of the most natural and aesthetic materials used as a building material for thousands of years.

Solid Panel

Solid Panel

Solid panel is a building material that combines the durability and aesthetics of natural wood and is frequently preferred in interior and exterior designs.



Cladding is decorative materials that offer aesthetics and durability both indoors and outdoors.

Thermo Products

Thermo Products

Thermal modification is the process of modifying wood with high temperature without the use of any chemicals.



Outdoor parquet, or “Deck”, are wooden materials used for flooring in outdoor areas.



Quality lumber provides high efficiency and longevity while being transformed into products that suit your needs, thanks to the correct drying techniques and processing processes.

Special Productions

Special Productions

Custom production is a service that offers materials that are specifically designed and produced according to the customer’s specific needs and projects, beyond standard products.